BARIG’s Full Board Once Again Digital in 2021
This year, the first Full Board of the Board of Airline Representatives in Germany (BARIG) had to be held once again purely digitally. Nevertheless, the vast majority of BARIG member airlines were represented.
In a comprehensive video conference on March 23, 2021, BARIG Chairman and Secretary General Michael Hoppe informed the participating members about the current situation of the airline industry, current challenges in view of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and potential ways to revive air traffic in the upcoming summer season.
Particularly, the current crisis raises many questions regarding pandemic management, possible opening strategies, and perspectives for the travel industry. The wide range of topics was very well received by the participants and generated a lot of discussion within the community.
In further guest presentations by individual business partners, additional topics were discussed such as tax issues in air transport, new digital solutions for the travel process, and expansion in the technical-medical sector – for airlines are increasingly confronted with questions and tasks from these fields of action.
Equipped with new technical equipment, BARIG ensured an almost smooth display and transmission of all content relevant to the airlines. Accordingly, the association is also well prepared for further digital formats until a face-to-face meeting will hopefully be possible again in fall.